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Account Registration & Settings

Our website,, is a complete resource for the residents of our community.  It contains just about everything you need to know about V@TC!  

Also, our website includes a Directory of residents, both owners and renters. This Directory is password-protected to be accessible by only residents with login privileges. It is imperative to the usefulness of this Directory that your information is kept up-to-date. Changes in email address may impact delivery of important eBlasts and weekly updates to keep you apprised of what’s happening in our community. In addition, we urge all residents to include contact information for yourself, as well as for an emergency contact.

Below is a guide that describes how to register and/or update your information. If you registered more than one email address, you can use either one, with the same password. If you have forgotten your password, enter click “Forgot Password?” link. You will be prompted to enter an email address associated with your account. You will then receive an email with a link to reset it.

If you have any questions/problems with registering or revising your account, please email [email protected]

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